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A La Carte Services

Minor Bookkeeping offers all services as a bundle or al la carte to fit your business needs. We recommend using our services as a bundle to minimize errors and miscommunications transferring work between multiple parties. Our services provided on a long-term basis have proven to increase the accuracy of monthly financial reports.

Book Clean Up

Are you not sure what to do with the growing pile of receipts? Or unsure of what has and has not been accounted for in your books? This a la carte service provides a forensic perspective into your current bookkeeping methods to correct past mistakes. Correcting past mistakes is beneficial for future reporting purposes to be able to make sound decisions that will elevate your business going forward. Along with correcting errors, we will catch your bookkeeping up to the present day.

This can be a one time service or preservice to monthly bookkeeping.

Payroll Processing

As an add on to our bookkeeping service, we offer payroll processing for up to 50 employees through QuickBooks Online. Based on your pay frequency, your payroll will be processed and any associated taxes will be filed and paid on behalf of the employee and employer.

This service requires a monthly bookkeeping plan.

Software Training

Not interested in hiring a bookkeeper? We provide accounting software training with QuickBooks Online (QBO) only. As a certified QBO pro advisor, I will teach you how to maximize your use of QBO to your fullest ability to efficiently and effectively run your business. This training only includes training on QBO functions, not how to interpret financial reports.

This is a one time service.

Business Spending Plan

Have big goals for your business, but not sure exactly how to get there? Create a spending plan! Together we will discuss your goals and set an attainable income goal based on the trends your business has shown in the reports. Once an attainable income goal is established, we will look at all your expenses to determine where your business is overspending or if a new vendor should be sought after. This service is only available to our bookkeeping clients. Each month we will review the spending plan along with your financial reports to evaluate your business’ performance.

This service requires a monthly bookkeeping plan.

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